The Art of Slow Dating

How Can Slow Dating Can Level Up Your Love Game?

Let's talk about something real important : slow dating. You know how everything's always rush-rush these days? We're living in the age of instant gratification, and in some ways it's not working in our favor. Sometimes it's better to pump the brakes, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. 

1. Get to Know Them Properly

So, instead of swiping left and right faster than you can say "chocolate" why not take some time to really get to know someone? Slow dating lets you dig deeper, find out what makes them tick, and see if you vibe on a real level.

2. Get Emotionally Close

Ever heard of emotional intimacy? It's when you and your partner are tight, and you can talk about anything from a space of vulnerability without feeling weird. Slow dating lets you build that closeness at your own pace, which is way better than rushing things and ending up with a mess.

3. Patience is Key

Okay, so waiting for stuff can be a drag, but trust me, it's worth it. There's a reason why they say good things come to those who wait. Slow dating teaches you to chill and not freak out if things don't happen right away. Plus, it helps you grow as a person and learn how not to succumb to societal pressures these days. 

4. Figure Out if You're Compatible

You don't wanna waste time with someone who's not on the same page, right? Slow dating gives you the chance to see if you're compatible in all the important ways before things get too serious. It's important to talk about the 'big stuff', like marriage, kids, finances, goals before committing. Trust me when I say, you can't get your time back spent waiting for or avoiding these discussions.

5. No Pressure, No Drama

Who needs all that stress and drama, am I right? I'm all #teamdramafree, Slow dating means you can just enjoy hanging out with someone without worrying about where things are headed. It's all about living and appreciating things in the moment.

6. Build a Solid Foundation

Think of your relationship like a LEGO tower. You gotta start with a strong base if you want it to stand tall. Slow dating lets you lay down that foundation nice and steady, so your love can withstand anything.  

So, there you have it, folks! Slow dating might not be as flashy as swiping right on every profile you see. Before you know it, you'll look up and realize it's where the magic happens.

Check out these book recommendations for more guidance: 

  • "Conscious Dating" for some cool tips on making meaningful connections.
  • "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" is like your blueprint for building a rock-solid relationship.
  • "The 5 Love Languages" is like a cheat code for understanding emotional stuff better.
  • "The Power of Now" if you wanna learn more about being patient and stuff.
  • "Attached" is like your guide to figuring out if you and your crush are a match made in heaven.
  • "The Happiness Hypothesis" is like your handbook for living stress-free in your relationships.
